Because Every Child Needs a Family

"Whatever you did for one
of the least of these . . you did for me." Matt 25:40


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

. . .Three . . .

Four years of pursuing kids. Training, paperwork, prayers. To our three foster kids and 2 foreign orphan kids for a summer, our little church has been more than gracious. We didn't drag Crestview through our dreams and passions, they put their arm around us and walked with us.

They gave us a shower to fill our closets with needed clothes and toys. The foster kids came with little or nothing and left with full suitcases. Hand me downs and gift cards to Target came for unmentionables and play clothes. Orphan kids also came at Rolan's and my invitation without asking our church's support, and again Crestview Church showered us with clothes and toys, knowing Ro and I would give all away to be left with nothing for the next group of kids. I thought they would grow tired of it.

Sunday the 4th, they took an offering for Sasha and Nastia's Orphanage. Our little church with maybe 100 people, gave almost $1,600! Now Ro and I will be able to go and buy something needed by the orphanage, help the children and their caretakers as well as stimulate the local economy. There will be joy in Slavyansk this winter! What a great witness. Jesus sends his love Slavyansk, through his servants at Crestview Church.

I'm so proud to be part of a congregation of people who are generous and compassionate, even during times when the future is uncertain. I'm humbled by their faithfulness. I'm confident they will model Jesus for our new daughters.


Debora Hoffmann said...

I praise God for the body of Christ and how He works through our brothers and sisters!

Twyla, John, Duncan, Mari, and Misha said...

What an incredible congregation that you belong to! The girls will definitely grow to know their Heavenly Father better in your home and with your faith community showing them the way!

The kids will love the hats and the love that went into making each one unique and special (alot like each kid, unfortunately no one tells them this)!

I can't believe how quickly time is flying - do you need anything? If anything is needed while you are gone, call us - John is handy around the house if your housesitter needs help with anything!

The gas is flowing in the pipeline again, so you should be warm and cozy.

Lots of hugs,
Twyla, John, and the kids