Because Every Child Needs a Family

"Whatever you did for one
of the least of these . . you did for me." Matt 25:40


Monday, November 10, 2008

AH! AH! AH! (The quiet is broken by shrieks)

You know those shows where decorators kick homeowners out of their homes and then the decorators totally redo a room? The homeowners come back and have to close their eyes and then they open their eyes, take in the transformed room, gasp and yell, "OH MY GOSH!" That's kind of what Ro and I did.

Our friends Heidi and Felix left Friday on their own quest for adoptive children from Ukraine. They have the same facilitator and asked when our dossier would be submitted to the State Department. She told them it was. Just last week! See, when one submits a doss to the State Department on behalf of an adoptive family, it is customary to inform the said adoptive family that one has done so via e-mail. No such e-mail was sent. We knew there was a good chance it would be soon but didn't know for sure. Such things are a mystery.

The "OH MY GOSH," comes in realization that for sure we will be going to Ukraine before the end of the year! The State Department has 20 days (business days?) to look over our precious packet of papers and declare us unfit for parenting Ukrainian children or fit and then give us a date and time to bring our nervous and trembling bodies into their office for an interview. We have friends going for a Dec 10 appointment date so it will be later. Christmas? Sounds so romantic but I think finding flights now would be a nightmare! So we wait on pins and needles. Any day now we will hear the the starter gun fire and then the frantic preparations . . .


Alan said...

I think you're saying that your dossier was submitted?!! If so, congratulations! Blessings to you.

Debora Hoffmann said...

I am completely excited for you guys! I think a confirmation with your facilitator is in order... :-) But you had better get ready for leaving at the drop of a hat! I am jealous...we're just starting our process and have a little girl waiting for us to come for'll be hard for her to have classmates being adopted while she waits, but God has His reasons and will help her grow through the process. :-) Can't wait to hear your appointment date!

adopting2fromUkraine said...

Congratulations!! This is just the beginning of the roller coaster ride! lol

Our SDA appointment was on December 12, 2007. The latest I heard of was December 15. Things close down close to our Christmas for the last week or so in December until about January 7. More or less depending on whether these days fall during a week or weekend. For us, court was closed 12-24 to 1-7.

You can count on two full weeks of being able to do nothing toward your adoption except visit your children. They will be out of school.

Ukrainians celebrate New Year and Christmas together on January 1st. They LOVE their holidays.

Our friends' dossier was submitted one week after ours last year and their appointment was January 20th. The SDA closes down for several weeks in early January where the courts and other offices are open after January 7th or 8th.

Just some information if you are trying to guess on maybe when you'll be there:)


Rolan and Eileen said...

Hey June, do you mean that you don't think they give appts between Dec 16th and Jan 19th? Or do you mean that by reading recent blogs you have gathered that it will probably be after the 15th? Thanks

adopting2fromUkraine said...


I'm sorry. I just saw your question.

Yes, by what I've observed from last December, I don't think they give appointments past about December 15 or so. The SDA was closed in January of 2008 until at least the 12th and earliest appointment I heard of was January 20, 2008.

The friend I mentioned had their dossier submitted one week after ours was submitted and their appointment was over a month later than ours.

Of course, this is Ukraine, so you really never know!
