Because Every Child Needs a Family

"Whatever you did for one
of the least of these . . you did for me." Matt 25:40


Monday, June 2, 2008

Life is a Lesson in Patience

The good news is work has begun again on our home. More digging with the backhoe. Rain for a day or so that made me wonder if we really were going to have a moat (what sort of fish go well in a Colorado moat?), some concrete poured by some very strong guys with wheelbarrows. Taller forms put up and inspections by two other guys. Temporary loss of phone connection.

The garden is beautiful today. May subject you to a little gardener's brag.

It being springtime and everything so beautiful is getting me through the frustration of the girls not getting their visas yet. That means all 15-17 kids who are hoping to come to America for the summer are having to wait. Trying to keep busy to keep my mind off of it. The best I can do is continue to learn my 100 words in Russian and tend the garden.

You would think that if I had the patience to plant a garden, I would have the patience to wait for two sweet kids to come!

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