Because Every Child Needs a Family

"Whatever you did for one
of the least of these . . you did for me." Matt 25:40


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A Brief Diversion of Joy

Ladies and Gentlemen we interrupt absolutely nothing happening at the house to celebrate the momentous event of JOSH'S GRADUATION! (Cue great crowds cheering)
Our dear young man has freed himself and others from the financial burden of greater education to emerge with A MASTERS OF SECONDARY EDUCATION. That's right, hide your teens, ladies and gentlemen, this twisted product of the Christofferson household will be available to teach science in a high school near you starting this fall. Which high school, we are as yet unsure but hey, a little suspense is what good movies are made of, right?

1 comment:

Jeff T. said...

Congratulations, Josh!!!!!!