Because Every Child Needs a Family

"Whatever you did for one
of the least of these . . you did for me." Matt 25:40


Friday, January 28, 2011

Life Goes On

No blogs for a long time, we are pushing forward. Mostly, it is just life. School, homework, learning how to get along with siblings. Weddings, boyfriends, sleepovers, girl scout outings. Baby teeth coming out, diseased teeth pulled out. Cooking lessons, sewing lessons, gymnastics, therapy. English, English, English, ugh! Bodies changing, makeup, shoes, hair curling. I hate you, I love you, I want you to love me. Losing MP3 players, IPods, phones, pets dying. Getting a job, losing a job, interacting with the police. Church, youth group, KLOVE. Letters from Ukraine, phone calls to Ukraine, trips to the Ukrainian market.
Are we a family yet? Or just a small internot? Do our kids trust us yet? Or do they still feel the need to always be in control of the events surrounding them. In so many ways, they are doing better and better. Love, patience, consistency, listening, sympathy; they work their way through the small cracks in the armor our kids have had to build around themselves, and eventually the armor falls off. We are coming up to our 2-year gotcha date. What will things look like in two more years? Ages will be 12, 15, and 21. Once again, they grow old too fast. And we keep getting older and slower. And it is *so* worth it to watch these girls become women, people, adults.