Because Every Child Needs a Family

"Whatever you did for one
of the least of these . . you did for me." Matt 25:40


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Tempus Fugit

Well, if one had to break a leg, it should be at the end of January. Let's face it, there isn't much to do all of February except long for spring and well, long for spring! I was blessed, if I can say that as much as anyone can be blessed when they break a leg. I had very little pain, a computer to pass the time and my dear mum made a special trip out for a couple of weeks to care for us. (Thanks Mom!)
Now, I'm almost 100%. A little swelling around the ankle (normal). Working on the thigh muscle that seemed to almost instantly sag after it noticed the broken fibula. I hope the last of the x-rays will be Monday and the doc will say I can start jumping and running again. (yeah, right.)
I was afraid to ask if the break was age related (I'm 51). He assured me that he has seen 23 year olds that have breaks just the same and they have bones made of marble. Not old yet, my friends.

And what of the girls? Even as I write, Tanya is on her promised visit to Ukraine. When we adopted her, we promised a trip to visit those she has left behind once she turned 18 and could travel without a caperone. She is having a great time, though she asked me to call her every day. She will come home on Monday.
Sophie has continued to struggle but we see so much of her character popping through. She has a hard time completely letting go of control. Darn if those adults in her life have been so unpredictable, getting thrown in jail and dieing and not being attentive to her needs. After almost 16 months here, we have shown her a different side of care-taking adults. She is slowly learning to control some of her anger that gets her in trouble. We have a sweet child that will someday be glad to be our daughter. We are seeing that Sophie more and more. Baby steps.
Last weekend she asked me why we adopted. I told her, "Because Jesus said to help the widows and orphans in their distress." I said, "Not only that but every child should have a family to help them, encourage them, be with them in sadness and happiness and celebration. Everyone needs a family." I was glad she asked.
She has a good head on her shoulders. She could go far.

Anna. This is the grateful one. She gets it like you want every orphaned kid you adopt to get it. She is so happy to have a mom and dad and live here. She doesn't often need correction and when she does, she is remorseful. She is finally gaining some weight. She doesn't look like she has been sitting under the table begging for scraps. She is still one of the smallest kids in her class and is distressed about that. (Not something I'm sympathetic about. I was always the tallest kid in the class until I was 13. Haven't grown much since.) She has improved in almost all subjects in school. The teachers say she is bright. I believe it though she sometimes likes to play dumb just for laughs. I'm home-summer-schooling her this summer in hopes to catch her up for fall.
Rolan is also behaving himself.
The kitties? Well, you know. . .

1 comment:

Kari said...

An update from the Christoffersons - yea! I want to hear about how Tanya's trip went after she returns. Nice to have one special joy in your life, Anna! Gives you hope for the others. Miss you, girlfriend!