My goodness, I had no idea it had been so long since I wrote last! If there is anyone out there who feels abandoned, I do beg your pardon. End of November and all of December got to be a whirlwind of activity. I'm sure you must experience at least a piece of that yourself, if not totally empathize.
Thanksgiving was a kick. With all the food preparation, Tanya got the cooking bug and wanted to add to the chaos. I was okay with that but was concerned about not having enough fridge space! We almost ended up with a sign-up sheet for kitchen time.
I was informed, at one point, that there are turkeys in Ukraine but people don't eat them.
The emergence of the Great Bird (22lbs) from the oven brought super-star reception! Flashes of cameras and ohs and ahs. The next day we decorated the house for Christmas. It's kinda nice to have help. The guys weren't into that so much. Finished in record time.
What is it like when you have kids who are new to America, celebrating an American Christmas for the first time? A great deal of highs and lows. Neighborhood parties, shopping, wrapping packages, the tree, oh my. We got our tree early. The girls really wanted one packed with branches. I tried to explain that we have a bazillion ornaments and we have to have some room to get them all on. We ended up with a compromise. A lush tree and mom with her pruners. I got to practice tree trimming, literally!
The Tuesday after Thanksgiving, Rolan was offered a job with a new start-up company. Just in time. He was going to comute to Denver for a down-town job at a greatly reduced salary and only for a couple of months contract at that. The new job is only 10 minutes from home,stuff he knows and at the salary he was used to making (and need to help raise the girls). Thank you Jesus.
Tried my hand at a couple of Holiday Craft Fairs with my creative crocheted hats, scarves and other goods. I only did okay breaking even. Not sure about doing this next year. I'll have to see how badly I need to express myself. It was great doing it with friends of Josh and wife Sarah. That was my favorite part.
It was a delightfully snowy month. December snows make me cry with joy. Rolan set up most of the outside lights only to be stopped by snow on roof and ground. He put lights on the back tree. We haven't seen the cord leading from house to tree since.
On the way to a rehearsal for Sophia's school dance recital mid month, I hit a deer. Traffic, snow on the road, going downhill, I didn't get to do anything to try and minimize the impact. I cried all the way to her school. Surely, I killed the thing. Front passenger headlights and signal lights gone. Front fender is crumpled but we can still get the door open. Hood, just the tiniest bit damaged. On the verge of the holiday, Ransom's graduation, relatives coming in, etc, my car is out of commission. Wahhhhhh. Does God still love me? I have no idea if the engine is okay. It doesn't matter. The car is unsafe to drive. We still have the mustang. My hardy Swedish husband can handle it! There were a couple of days, when he stood in the foyer upon returning home from work, and just shivered.
Ransom's graduation was wonderful with my mom and dad coming out. I worried about the crowd in the mustang but Rolan took blankets. Macky Auditorium was full and warm and bright. I got a cake with a shoe (Ransom's request) walking toward a dollar sign at the end of a frosting path. He is working half time at LASP just a few blocks from his apartment and still working for Campus Ambassadors. Busy but not too busy to plan for a . . . .
Wedding!!! A few days before Christmas he proposed to Jessica Foster and she accepted. I'm ever so thankful that they aren't planning to get married next month! Maybe November, they say.
Anna turned 9 on the 20th. Christmas. On the 4th of Jan, Tanya turned 18. Rolan and I toasted to another child successfully reaching adulthood. Whew! We joked about our long painful journey to this point (10 months).
I retired from the catering guys so I can concentrate on all the kid stuff that still needs to be done. Way behind in paperwork, immunizations, and as you can see, this blog.
Here's to a productive, peaceful, calm, slow paced, New Year.
Did I say calm?